Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Busy Bees!

It's been a busy two weeks!

Last week we visited the school to implement a range of spelling strategies. We made a PowerPoint to illustrate how the class can use different strategies to improve their spelling, this is one of the aims we identified from our original post-it-note survey. Alongside the strategies which we printed off to place in their magpie books, we also implemented a spelling journal.

The spelling journal is a really useful strategy that we learnt about in our Core English lessons. The journal is divided into three sections and highlights that when children make a spelling mistake, they are often only spelling part of the word wrong (the tricky part). For example, in 'necessary' the hard part is how many c's and s's to include. Therefore the strategy asks children to identify the 'tricky part' and try to find a way of remembering it. Perhaps through a mnemonic or a phrase or rhyme, an example for 'necessary' is 'on a shirt you have one collar and two sleeves'.

We have caused C-H-A-N-G-E to happen because the teacher was so impressed by the idea he has agreed to make time each day/week to really utilise this strategy.

We are very pleased with the strategies we have put in place for the class and will be monitoring their success in the near future.

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