Saturday, 24 November 2012

Writing Wall Challenge Number One

The writing wall challenge has begun...

Last week we created a display in the classroom which we have called the 'Writing Wall Challenge'. The idea behind this is to set the children a writing challenge every 2 - 3 weeks.

We are hoping that a challenge will excite the children and help to inspire some of the more reluctant writers.

The first challenge was to write a 100 word 'drabble' which is a story based on a picture (shown below). The story has to be emotive and make the reader want to read more.


We took inspiration from the 100 Word Challenge website which states that:

'by setting a limited word count with a focused theme and a guaranteed audience beyond the class teacher, children have far greater motivation for writing. Those who are reluctant writers feel safe with only 100 words to write, whilst those more advanced writers can really extend themselves with the word restriction'

(100 WC, 2012)

100 Word Challenge  - link to website.

We are hoping to develop the writing challenges we set the children which may include a word or sentence prompt, a mystery to solve or decoding a book in another language.

Examples of the children's drabbles


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