Today marked the beginning of our creativity 3 journey (although ideas have been simmering for a week now). We met with the Assisting head of a local primary school to discuss the school's wishes to improve attainment in Year 6 children's writing.
The focus of our project is to increase the children's engagement in writing and thus impact upon their attitudes to writing.
A clear picture was painted of a group of Year 6 children who were 'switched-off' writing, with many children being highlighted as under-achieving.
We presented our questions and our initial ideas which were responded to in a very positive manner and has increased our motivation for 'making change happen'.
Our only problem now is keeping focused on the task in hand and not spinning out of control with the numerous ideas we have posed in excitement.
Our next step is to plan a schedule of when we can reasonably attend the school and class itself and when we see key points in the journey occurring. We feel slightly overwhelmed that this might become another school placement and can see the impact of that affecting current projects, but we also want to make a difference and be actively involved in overseeing our ideas take place.
Drawing on knowledge of the 'Talk for Writing' work in Year 2/3 English we have plenty of theoretical knowledge to start with and our main aims are to ensure that through reading, writing for a purpose, implementing ICT and the local community we can improve the way this class view writing and hopefully change the way writing is taught across the school, as this was identified as a key problem area.
To the drawing board!!
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